
Thursday, August 14, 2003

Christian and I have been dreaming about our home since before we got married! Sometimes we are idealistic and our dreams seem outrageous but I've just been thinking, you know I dreamed of a courtship relationship that was pure and of not dating a bunch of men (or of not dating period, but being friends with the man I'm to marry and then engagement and then marriage). I wanted a relationship that looks different from the what the world has to offer, mostly I wanted to skip the whole "date, get emotionally and physically involved, then get your heart broken" thing. Its kindof funny, one of my uncles told me when I was a young teen, and I had shared my idealistic dreams of courtship with him, "Jenni, you're living in a fairytale, that's just not the way things happen." But, the wonderful thing is that as I put my trust in the Lord and gave God my feelings and timing and anxious heart to find my knight in shining armor, my fairytale dream of a prince coming and sweeping me off my feet came true. My best friend and first love become my prince who indeed swept me off my feet and we are able to enjoy a beautiful relationship founded on purity, and a year and a half ago we wed and had our first kiss on the altar and gave oneanother the most priceless gift of virginity on our first night together.

You may be wondering why I'm talking about that whole story of fairytale dreams and such on our blog about our dream home. And I guess its partially to remind myself that dreams take time. I know that we can settle for something less than what our heart longs for in the home we choose to raise our children, but if we wait and be patient I truly believe that the Lord will give us the desires of our heart. So Father, here are our dreams, You take them and make something beautiful of them. We trust in Your timing Father, lead us through the doors we are to go through and close the doors we are not to go through. In all things and in our home we desire to glorify You Father, Amen.

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